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The Flower of Friendship|友谊之花
发布日期:2025-01-03 19:02    点击次数:67
If good friends fell from the sky like raindrops, I'd turn my umbrella upside down and have all that I need. But friends do not come to us that way, instead they shoot up1  through the ground from a tiny seed of common interest, are cultivated2  with good times and grow into a beautiful flower to enjoy that continues to bloom as long as it is cared for. These flowers of friendship are gathered into fragrant3  bouquet4 that enhances5  the world around us and are meant to be enjoyed by ourselves as well as bring cheer or comfort to others. Like flowers, friendships also go through changes. Sometimes they are allowed to die, but if you care for them well and tend them with gentle touch, they will continue to build roots in a new place and bloom for years of enjoyment. When you have found a friend such as this, you will know by the beauty and fragrance that surround your life and it will spread like beautiful wild flowers to enrich all of us. 如果好朋友像雨滴一样从天而降,我会把伞倒转过来,接住我需要的一切。 但是朋友并不会这样来到我们身边。拥有同一个爱好,友谊才会如同一颗幼苗,从地面破土而出;假以数日的悉心照顾,才怒放赏心悦目的美丽花朵。只要关怀永在,这朵花就常开不败。 这些友谊之花聚成芬芳花束,使我们周围的世界丰富多彩。既让我们自己乐在其中,也为他人带来欢笑与慰藉。 像花儿一样,友谊也会变。有时,不妨任其消亡。但如果你精心照料、温柔呵护,它们就会在新的地方继续生根开花,让你得以享受多年。 当你觅到一位这样的朋友,萦绕在生活周围的美景和芳香会让你明了朋友的存在。友谊就会像漂亮的野花一样处处撒满,让我们大家的生活都变得充实。     1. shoot up 发芽 2. cultivate   v. 耕耘 3. fragrant   adj. 芬芳的,香的 4. bouquet   n. 花束 5. enhance  v. 丰富,增强  

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